
Wednesday March 5 was Ash Wednesday and signaled the beginning of Lent. Expecting the usual smeared cross on my forehead that I have been receiving for my entire life I was surprised that the ash was instead sprinkled on my head. This ash signifies the beginning of forty days where people either give up something or try to do something each day for the time period or in some instances, both. This weekend the girls and I did not have any big plans so I decided to spend a day and travel to Assisi. For those who do not know, Assisi is home to St. Francis of Assisi and St. Claire of Assisi. Both very influential people of their time and inspiration to many people around the world including Pope Francis himself.

Arriving at the train station and looking upward, the City of Assisi is situated on the side of a mountain and looked massive. Taking a taxi up to the city we got dropped at the Basilica of St. Francis. Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed inside but regardless it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The artwork, frescoes, statues, and religious significance of the Basilica blew me away.  I could have stayed in one spot looking around all day if we did not have more to see. Again, I was reminded how blessed I am to be in Italy. Walking from the Basilica to get lunch I was amazed at how many English speakers, mainly from America there were. I have been accustomed to listening to Italian for so long I was surprised to be able to understand what they were saying. It is evident that tourism in Assisi is their main form of Economy as most of the shops were for tourists selling various merchandise to commemorate people’s time in the ancient city. Walking to the Basilica of Saint Claire I did not think I could see anything more beautiful than the previous Basilica we visited. I was wrong.

The Basilica of Saint Claire is smaller but no less impressive as the artwork, relics of the saints, and the original cross of San Damiano hung inside the old church. The cross of San Damiano was the one where St. Francis was praying in front of before he received the message from God to rebuild the church. Looking around and seeing the Franciscan Friars maintaining both Basilicas or seeing Nuns on the street was very cool and added to the religious charm that Assisi had. Both of the Basilicas had the tombs of the Saints and the tomb of Saint Claire was very special for my friend Emily as she felt a connection with the woman buried in front of her.

The beauty of Assisi was overwhelming and could be so for even those who are not religious. Seeing the artwork and reading about lives of people who lived centuries ago and still have an impact on people today is very powerful. I joked that the beauty of the churches in Assisi have ruined me forever but some part of me will always know the truth of that statement. Those basilicas cannot be compared to any others nor the Saints who inspired them and house their remains.

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